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​​​​Find your Greek​

​About Us

The incidents of animal cruelty and abuse have reached epidemic proportions in countries like Greece where, culturally, companion and working dogs are not regarded as they are here in The United States, Canada and most parts of Europe. 

Without humane societies or animal shelters, thousands of homeless Greek dogs do their best to survive on the streets, beaches, and rugged countryside. They are unwanted, unloved and considered common pests, especially during tourist season when the international community might bear witness to Greece’s “dirty little secret.” Though technically against the law, dogs and puppies are routinely poisoned, shot, beaten, drowned, and hung as means of population control. Perpetrators are rarely identified and almost never prosecuted.

Most people in Greece do not actually harm stray and homeless dogs. But some people have reached out to help them. Our group works with several rescuers in the Athens area. These individuals risk ridicule, hostility, and retaliation by the few who resent their efforts on behalf of the dogs. Therefore, we respect their wishes not to be named. But their dedication, in spite of the horrors they’ve seen, is a testimony to the strength of their character and gentle, loving souls. These rescuers are the strays’ first line of defense and often show them the first kindness they have ever experienced from humans.

Once rescued, dogs are seen by a veterinarian, vaccinated, tested and treated for parasites; they are also altered if older than seven months. They live in foster homes with other dogs and cats, are housebroken and loved until it’s time for them to come to New England.

Adoptable dogs
 Featured Dog of the week


Meet Lila, one of our rescue pups who arrived on July 11th. Surviving canine distemper took its toll. The virus affected her nervous system leaving her with a slight tremor. It doesn't bother her in the least. She can run and jump and acts just like any other pup! Please let us know if you are interested in Lila. We could not give up on her, and we hope you won't either.

Adoption Story of the Week


This is the first picture of Oreo that I saw. His eyes spoke to me and I so desperately wanted him. This would be my first experience going with Chris from NEHGS to pick up Oreo and 4 other Greek dogs in Boston. I cried a lot that day. It was overwhelming and heartwarming all at the same time. That day I vowed I would help other Greek dogs find loving homes. Please consider fostering or adopting. I promise you won't be disappointed. Maria - NEHG





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